World No Tobacco Day

Theme: World No Tobacco Day Venue: Civil Hospital, Rajgarh, Shimla (H.P.) Participants: 1. M. Sc. Nursing (Community Health Nursing 1st & 2nd Year), 2. Staff of Civil Hospital, Rajgarh 3. Community People, Rajgarh 4. Ms. Simarjot Kaur, Assist. Professor, ACN On May 30, 2019 the Master students of Akal College of Nursing have celebrated World No Tobacco Day in Civil Hospital Rajgarh.On this special day of awareness for community & Hospital, our students have prepared a brief speech & have done a panel discussion based on the theme "Tobacco & Lung Health" under the guidance of Assist. Prof. Ms. Simarjot Kaur. Guided by: Prof. Ranjit Kour (Principal, ACN) Dr. Harpreet Kaur (Admin., ACN) Ms. Simarjot Kaur (Assist. Professor, ACN)

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="61" gal_title="World No Tobacco Day"] World No Tobacco Day Celebration Akal College of Nursing in collaboration with Akal Drug Deaddiction cum Rehabilitation Centre, Akal Charitable Hospital, Baru Sahib, observed the ‘World No Tobacco Day’ with much enthusiasm and fervour under the Chairmanship of Director, Dr Col Rajinder Singh ji on Monday, the 1st June, 2020. On this occasion, a special programme was organised which was attended by about 50 people including the Director, the Vice Principal,  CMO, Coordinator of the Centre, Dental doctors, Physiotherapist, and faculty members of ACH, Counsellors,  Staff Nurses, Pharmacist, Lab Technicians, other staff and inpatients of Akal Deaddiction cum  Rehabilitation Centre, Baru Sahib. In the beginning, Ms Manisha Sehgal, Nursing Tutor, anchor of the programme welcomed the the signatories and the audience. The Director, Dr Col Rajinder Singh ji gave a comprehensive and remarkable speech with intricate unfolding of the Theme for this year and vividly highlighted the meticulous exploitation of youth by industrial houses producing tobacco products. He also illustrated the mechanisms of gruesome effects of tobacco and its associated statistics. Mr Ajmeet Singh, a patient of the Deaddiction Centre spoke on various varieties of Tobacco and it's harmful effects. Dr NL Gupta, the Coordinator of the Centre spoke on the tobacco users' proneness to nCov-2 and the likely recovery periods of various associated symptoms and diseases including cancers on quitting the tobacco addiction. He asserted this time of nCov-2  to be a most appropriate time for tobacco cessation and called to those using tobacco to do so. The patients and the audience showed keen interest in sharing the valuable information about tobacco. At the end, the Vice Principal of ACN, Dr Anupama K on behalf of the ACN & Deaddiction Centre thanked the Director, dignatories, staff and patients for sparing their valuable time and the organizing team. She advised the patients who abused tobacco to take steps to quit tobacco.