International Day of Yoga Celebrates In Akal College of Nursing Eternal University

International Day of Yoga

21st June, 2016

Venue: Bhai Gurdas Hall Timing: 07:00 – 08:00 am

Eternal University has celebrated 2nd International Day of Yoga on 21st June, 2016.


The program was started at 7 a.m. sharp and the venue of the program was Bhai Gurdas Hall. All the departments, faculty and students of Eternal University had participated in the event. Ms. Harpreet Kaur and Ms. Rasleen Kaur from Akal College of Engineering and Technology anchored the event. The program started with enchanting of Shabad by the students of Akal School of Divine Music.

Dr. Charanjit Singh gave an enthusiastic lecture on International Day of Yoga, importance of doing Yoga and its benefits in our daily life. After that he demonstrated various Asnas to the audience present in the Hall. The attendees also performed yoga asnas as instructed by Dr. Charanjit Singh which included Breathing exercises, Tard asna, half-moon and full –moon asna, Surya Namaskar, anulom- vyom and others. The total attendance for the event was approximately 300 students and faculty from different Departments of eternal University.

Mr. Babul Ram praised and congratulated the organisers of the event and thanked them to organise such a nice event.

At the end Mr. Vivek Sharma (Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology) delivered vote of thanks to all the attendees. He thanked Dr. Charanjit Singh who was the key demonstrator of the event and he also thanked all the organisers of International Day of Yoga.

The delegates also got refreshment at the end of the event.