Health Economics

The FDP was started at 12 noon. The topic ‘Health economics” was selected for the presentation and was approved by Principal. Even though the concept of health economics is much needed in Nursing, its application is very much lacking in nursing practice and administration. As it is timely needy one the orientation was given with relevant present scenario examples.

The content of the presentation included definition of economics & health economics purposes, components, factors influencing health economics, different types of evaluation in analysis of health care including cost–benefit analysis, cost effectiveness analysis, cost utility analysis and cost minimization analysis. At the end research articles on cost effectiveness analysis were presented by Mrs. Rose Mary, Asst.Professor, ACN.

After presentation, the topic was put into open discussion with principal & other colleagues. At the end of the FDP principal and other colleagues gave their comments about the presentation and Mr.Chithravel.V thanked all the colleagues for their valuable comments and active participation.
